maandag 12 april 2010

Borsodi Költök

Borsodi Költök. - Miskolc: Miskolci Miniatürkönyv Gyütök Klubja, 1978. - 48x40 mm., 188 p.

Collection of poems by fourteen poets from Borsod in Hungary compiled by Gyula Szabó and Sándor Urszin.

Gilt black leather. In a black leather box in the shape of a book. Exlibris of the Miskolc Club of Miniature
Book Collectors. Numbered copy (in red) 64/100. 550 copies numbered in black of which no 64 also in this collection. Copies with a number in red have a numbered loose leaflet with two extra Exlibris on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Miniature Book Collectors Club.
Printed in Budapest by Ifjusagi Nyomda. Designed by Sándor Várhegyi; typography and binding by György Méri

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