woensdag 27 oktober 2010


The First [Second, Third] Letter / by Miyako Akai. - Koyo: Hiroshi Miki, 2008.

Calligraphy in real size by
Minoru Sasaki, designed and bound by Miyako Akai.

'The First L
etter' is an envelope with leather cord and metal leave containing a miniature book, 24x15 mm.

'The Second Letter' is a holding book with a metal
key, with a miniature leporello inside, 24x15 mm.

'The Third Letter' is a rolled book with a metal chain and ring. 24x 302 mm.

Original short stories in Japanese about a time machine and Autumn.

Miyako Akai, Japanese miniaturist. Educated as an architect. Writer of novels and short stories. From 2001 on she makes books. Her bindings are very original and the use of materials reflects the long tradition of paper arts in Japan.
In 2006 she was distinguished award winner of the Miniature Book Society competition with Kotosubu, a min
iature book in a bamboo cage.

vrijdag 8 oktober 2010

Doris Varner Welsh

A Lady and Her Books; the biography of Doris Varner Welsh / by Kathryn I. Rickard. - Montreal QC: Editions du Parnasse, 1988. - 84 p.; 73x 55 mm., ill. - ISBN 2892770300.

Bound in marbled paper boards with cloth corners and spine by Gaumerd-Poirier. Marbled paper by Michele Simard. Published in a limited edition of 150 copies by Roger Huet.

About Doris Varner Welsh and her Le Petit Oiseau Press. Doris V. Welsh, born 1907, h
as worked as a cataloguer at the Newberry Library in Chicago. She was book lover, printer and collector of miniature books. For all of her fifteen books she used a 4 point Century Expanded. She also published scientific works, e.g. Checklist of Philippine Linguistics and Checklist of French Political Pamphlets (1560-1644)