dinsdag 18 mei 2010

Juan Salvador Gaviota

Juan Salvador Gaviota, un relato / por Richard Bach. - Lima: Editoria Guzman, s.a. - 55x40 mm, 268 p., ill. - ISBN 9972629376

Gilt red plastic cover. Red

Juan Salvador Gaviota un relato, the novel of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull; a story" written by Richard Bach in 1970. Translated in Spanish. This fable about a seagull learning about life and flight was a bestseller from the first day of publication; in hardly two years over a million of copies were in print. And until now new editions a
re issued in many languages.
Juan Salvador Gaviota, an outcast seagull is always searching for the meaning of life. He wanted to be free, to fly and make an art of it.
Desiring to measure the limits of his abilities he finally comes to understand the secret of his true nature: How perfection knows no boundaries.

Richard Bach is an ex-pilote of the US Airforce and writer of several novels, a.o. Strangers to the Ground, and many articles for general and aviation magazines.

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