Woorden uit den Bijbel, voor elken dag van het jaar 1861; Een en twintigste Jaargang; Met bijschrift, door M.A. Amshoff. - Groningen: R.J. Schierbeek, 1860. - 205 p.; 71x54 mm.
Blue stamped cloth with gilt title on front and spine. Edges gilt. Endpapers of tissue paper. In red board slipcase.
Words from the Bible for every day of the year 1861. This series was issued almost every year from 1841 until 1874 by Printing House Schierbeek in Groningen in an edition of some thousand copies. Afterwards continued by Callenbach.
M.A. Amshoff (1801-1874) was a minister in Groningen. He was the editor of "Woorden" from 1851 until his death in 1874.
Juan Salvador Gaviota, un relato / por Richard Bach. - Lima: Editoria Guzman, s.a. - 55x40 mm, 268 p., ill. - ISBN 9972629376
Gilt red plastic cover. Red ribbon.
Juan Salvador Gaviota un relato, the novel of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull; a story" written by Richard Bach in 1970. Translated in Spanish. This fable about a seagull learning about life and flight was a bestseller from the first day of publication; in hardly two years over a million of copies were in print. And until now new editions are issued in many languages.
Juan Salvador Gaviota, an outcast seagull is always searching for the meaning of life. He wanted to be free, to fly and make an art of it.
Desiring to measure the limits of his abilities he finally comes to understand the secret of his true nature: How perfection knows no boundaries.
Richard Bach is an ex-pilote of the US Airforce and writer of several novels, a.o. Strangers to the Ground, and many articles for general and aviation magazines.
Tafellandschap; monologen; met fotowerk van F.M. Hutchison / door A. Schaalma. - Groningen: Philip Elchers, 1991. - 71x44 mm.; 47 p.; folding ills. [Microreeks 4]
Printed paper binding; dust jacket with title and picture. Set in ITC Galliard and printed on pale Mellotex. Printed by Schut & Casparie. Binding Wim Gremmen. 250 copies.
23 poems comprising the cyclus Tafellandschap, in three parts with each a full colour photograph of a set table.
Albert Schaalma (1943- ) began his career as a musician after his studies at The Conservatorium in Groningen (Nowadays Prins Claus Conservatorium). He made his début as writer only in 1985.
His work was published in m
agazines like De Revisor and Dietsche Warande & Belfort. In 1992 he was honoured with the Masereel award for poetry.
Frank M. Hutchison (1957- ) artist and teacher at the Academy of Arts Minerva in Groningen
Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt; illustrations by Giel Louws. - [Middelburg: Giel Louws, 2003]. - 48x32 mm., 31 p.
Blue marbled paper over boards; endpapers marbled. In blue slipcase. Set in 6 point Book Antiqua. Ten unique miniature water-colours by Giel Louws. Unique copy signed by the artist.
Die Fischpredigt (The sermon to the fishes) is part of Des Knaben Wunderhorn by Clemens Brentano and Achim von Arnim. It tells the story of Saint Anthony who saw no one in the church when he began his sermon. He then went to the river and preached for all the animals in the water. All the fishes poked their heads out of the water to listen to him and they all were very impressed by his words. Saint Anthony (1195-1231) entered the Augustinian Abbey in Lisbon but after his studies he joined the Franciscan Order. His fame spread very quickly and he became known as the most celebrated of the followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. When he died, it is said that the children cried in the streets and that all the bells of the churches rang of their own accord, rung by angels.
Clemens Brentano
(1778-1842) and his friend (Ludwig) Achim von Arnim (1781-1831) worked together on an very important collection of German folk poems 'Des Knaben Wunderhorn' (The Youth's Magic Horn).
Giel Louws (born 1975) is a dutch artist. He studied at the Art Academies in Bruges (Belgium) and Kampen (The Netherlands). Afterwards he has developed a very personal vivid style as a painter. Religion is an important theme in his paintings. Most of his works deal with spirituality in life and arts.